3 Brilliant Tips To Help Your Pet Be Happy When You're Downsizing

3 Essential Steps to Downsizing When You Have a Pet

Downsizing can be stressful for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for senior adults. There is a lot to think about, and it can take a significant toll on you physically, emotionally, and mentally. And when you have a pet, you must ensure that their needs are considered as well as your own.

Pets tend to rely on routine, so when you move them to a smaller living space, you will want to put some extra effort into helping them transition as smoothly as possible. Below, Taranet.co.uk outlines three critical steps to consider when downsizing with your pet.

1. Downsizing Your Belongings

Once you have decided to downsize your home, one of the first things to do is declutter. Go through all of your belongings and choose what to keep, sell, donate, or discard. For the items you want to keep but not immediately move into the new home, you might consider renting a storage unit. If you want to make a little extra cash, consider selling some of your gently-used items online.

This can be a particularly overwhelming time if you are handling estate planning or end-of-life transitions in addition to downsizing. Try to eat well, get sleep, and exercise regularly if you can. Moreover, make sure your pet stays comfortable and has a safe space in your home as you move items to and fro.

Lastly, keep in mind that downsizing your pet’s belongings can be a very stressful time for them. This is especially true when you’re moving homes. However, Bach flower remedies can help settle your pets during these stressful times. It may be important to look into holistic remedies prior to encountering any stressful behaviors from your pet.

2. Sprucing Up the Property

If you plan on selling your home, you will want to make sure the property is in tip-top condition. Think about curb appeal, and start with the landscaping. Plants and flowers are nice, but if you don’t have a well-maintained lawn, you will be hard-pressed to find interested buyers. Consider hiring a professional lawn care service to boost your home’s curb appeal. Search online to find local professionals. Most mowing services average £15 to £40 per hour, but you might pay more if fertilizing, pruning, or other landscaping services are involved.

Next, consider the home itself. Does the siding need to be repainted? Do you need to repair any broken steps or declutter your patio? Perhaps it’s time to patch up the hole in the driveway.

You will want the interior of the home to impress as well. If you have any shabby carpet, consider getting it professionally cleaned or replaced.

Remember that some household cleaning products are poisonous to your pets. Or some can smell very unpleasant to your pet. So choose cleaning options that will help your pet maintain good health. You can get more tips too with these 11 ways to keep your house clean with pets.

If your hardwood floors are worse for wear, consider getting them restored, or look into whether it’s worth the investment to replace them. Make sure all of the paint jobs are appealing and depersonalize the decor as much as possible. Just remember to keep receipts and make notes of any changes; these can help raise the value of your property’s appraisal value.

3. Finding a New Home

Chances are you will be looking for a new home before you sell your current one. If you will be taking out a mortgage, figure out your debt-to-income ratio because lenders will use that to estimate what kind of monthly payment you can afford. To get started, you can calculate your DTI by dividing all of your existing monthly debt by your gross monthly income.

One of the best things you can do when trying to sell your home and buy a new one is to hire a real estate agency with expertise in your area. Just remember to consider the needs of your pet along the way. Depending on what type of pet you have, you might want to ensure your new home is in a pet-friendly neighborhood, that the property has a nice backyard with a fence, and that your pet will have easy access to their living space.

Also think about where your new home is. Is it near a park or open space you can walk to, or easily access? Variety in places to walk, and a chance to enjoy different sights and sounds is important for your pet's mental health.

Routine is critical for pets, and downsizing can be especially difficult for them. As you prepare for the next chapter in your life, consider the tips above for downsizing your belongings, boosting the appeal of your property, and finding your new home. And keep looking for other ways you can navigate this challenging time as smoothly and stress-free as possible.

Please remember that if your horse, dog or other animal is unwell. Or on any kind of medication or other supplement. Then always speak to your Veterinary Surgeon first before using any supplement or therapy. Even natural ones. To avoid any possible issues.

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About The Author
This is a guest post by Cindy Aldridge